日本人の食を支える現実耕地投入量と仮想耕地投入量--産業連関分析による評価-- (経済学部特集号: 重森曉教授退職記念号)
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The Japanese government puts up a target of raising the nation's food self-sufficiency rate for food security reasons. However, setting a target for the amount of agricultural land should be secured is more important, because the food self-sufficiency rate is depending on how much agricultural land canbe secured. So, this study evaluated really and virtually required agricultural land to feed Japanese population using input-output analysis. The really required land means the total amount of land used for domestic foods production in Japan and imported foods production in exporting countires. The virtually required land means the total amount of land used for domestic foods production in Japan and needed to produce imported foods hypothetically in Japan. The results are followings. Japanese agricultural land amounts to 0.037 of a hectare per person. Regarding this amount, the really required agricultural land amounts to 0.137 of a hectare per person, which means 3.7 times the amount of Japanese agricultural land is required to feed Japanese population. On the other hand, the virtually required agricultural land amoounts to 0.176 of a hectare per person, which means 4.8 times the amount of Japanese agricultural land is required if Japanese population is fed only with domestic food production. Even if assumed to be restored Japanese dietary habits in 1960 before becoming westernized, the virtually required agricultural land amounts to 0.085 of a hectare per person which is equivalent to 2.3 times the amount of Japanese agricultural land per person.
- 大阪経済大学の論文
- 2009-07-15
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