動物命名法の財政危機打開へ : 動物命名法国際信託への緊急募金にご支援を
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The current financial crisis at the International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature (ITZN) is reported here in the hope of inspiring widespread participation in an urgent, earnest, and ultimately successful fund-raising effort to save it. The organization, purpose, and history of ITZN are recounted here in brief, and evidently for the first time in Japanese, to foster a wider and better understanding of its significance. ITZN financially supports the entire operation of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) and its Secretariat, whose activities are indispensable for stability in the scientific names of animals. The Commission is responding innovatively to new technical opportunities by developing tools to make nomenclature more accessible and reliable, as shown by the 2012 amendment to the Code to allow valid electric publication and the relaunch of ZooBank, the Official Registry for Zoological Nomenclature, in a new architecture and better interface, both giving rise to an impressive increase in registrations. Establishing ZooBank as a gold-standard archive of scientific names is as important a task as the related endeavors of keeping archives of type specimens (the core role of Natural History Collections) and archives of published information (the core role of libraries and online data archives). ITZN's financial underpinnings must be restored quickly, with an assurance of steady and adequate future income. The risk is such that it could fail and be dissolved as soon as 2013. If ITZN founders, ICZN's ability to function will be severely compromised. A new "subscription" campaign to encourage annual pledges of funds to ITZN from stakeholder institutions and organizations around the world (museums, learned societies, businesses, etc.), including in Japan, is outlined.
- 2013-02-28
- 変貌する動物命名規約 : 学名の安定にむけて(2010年度日本動物分類学会シンポジウム)
- 外来ホヤ類の生物学-最近の話題から
- 学名論-学名の研究とその作り方, 平嶋義宏(著), 東海大学出版会, 2012年9月20日発行, xiii+347pp., ISBN 978-4-486-01923-7, 3200円+税
- 国際動物命名規約第4版の2012年9月改正
- 動物命名法の財政危機打開へ : 動物命名法国際信託への緊急募金にご支援を