自治体レベルにおける教育改革の推進要因に関する実証的研究 : 改革の推進要因の抽出と要因相互の規定力の判別を中心として(III 研究報告)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to analyze some situational factors instrumental in promoting the development of educational reform policies for school support that boards of education at the local municipal level have recently been addressing. The data to be analyzed is based on a nation-wide survey mailed in January and July 2004 to l998superintendents of municipal (city, town, village and metropolitan special district) boards of education. The total sample comprises 1407 superintendents of education. The focus of analysis was placed on the characteristics of educational policy actors in local municipalities because our main concern can be expressed in terms of the following research questions: What characteristics of major actors are related to the progress of school support reform? What characteristics of major actors are the most influential factors? In order to answer these research questions, we attempted to carry out correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis of the survey data. In this analysis, an explained variable denotes the degree of progress of reform as a whole that was constructed as a variable based on the data for school support policies and projects adopted by local boards of education. As explanatory variables, the following six sets of variables were taken up: (1)The characteristics of superintendents; (2)The characteristics of board members and board meetings; (3)The characteristics of the organizational framework of central offices and their performance of their roles; (4)The characteristics of mayors, that is, chiefs of local municipalities; (5)The characteristics of community residents and leaders of community organizations; (6)The characteristics of teacher associations. The results of correlation analysis suggest that local boards of education become more actively involved in adopting school support reform policies when they are situated in local municipalities where : (1)superintendents actively interact with colleagues in other communities, school principals, local politicians and so on. (2)central offices are professionally staffed and organized as a support structure for board members and superintendents. (3)mayors are keenly interested in educational problems. (4)community residents are interested in educational problems, are highly organized and participate actively in local meetings for policy discussions. With regard to the results of multiple regression analysis, it is made clear that in terms of the strength of influence exerted on reform progress, the characteristics of major actors can be arranged as follows: (1)the organizational framework of central offices: (2)the degree to which superintendents interact with other colleagues, principals, and so on ; (3)the degree to which central office staff carry out their appointed roles; (4)the level of interest in education on the part of community residents; (5)the degree of interest shown by mayors in local educational problems.
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