大学行政の新展開と大学のあり方 : 大学の自治(自律性)は有効に機能しているか(総括,大学行政の新展開と大学のあり方-大学の自治(自律性)は有効に機能しているか-,II シンポジウム)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This Article reports on the symposium held during the session of the 29th Annual Meeting of the JEAS. For the last few years, most universities have been palnning and carrying out a radical reform. The JEAS opportunity chose issues concerning university reform as a theme for the symposium and invited professors and administrative officials to act as panelists. Their presentation and the following discussion was meant to re-examine the questions about whether the Ministry's intervention in university reforms was appropriate, and whether individual universities have reached a genuine consensus of opinion and, furthermore, whether the consensus had faithfully been reflected in their respective reforms, and, then, to seek after sufficient answers to those questions. The five panelists related the a) theoretical approach to university autonomy, b) practices of self-evaluation, and c) situation of university reform. Especially, for the three of them, for those who are in different positions, their experiences in university reform were mentioned. Their statements clarified various aspects of university reform and revealed some differences in viewpoints between the national public sector and the private sector, and between the faculty and the administrative authority. They still concurred, however, in pointing out that autonomy has not been working well in universities, and referred to some reasons for the malfunction of autonomy. As regards the nature of current reforms, the two camps had sharp disagreements with each other. The faculty claimed that universities have been pressed for a reform, while the administrative authority meintained that universities had launched a reform from their own motives. The contrast might have been created in part by their rhetorical effort to secure their positions. Nevertheless, that might have been created, in a way, by new administrative strategies including the deregulation of criteria for university establishment and the introduction of market mechanisms. It was proved that there is a wide gap to be filled between their perceptions. The new administrative strategies are expected to revitalize individual universities on the one hand, but on the other hand, they may affect the macroscopic planning for the higher education system. The symposium thus came to an end with the remarks that much further discussion is left about these new administrative strategies.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1995-10-05
- (社)日本工学教育協会第44回年次大会報告(第2報) : シンポジウム : 工学教育の現状と評価
- 第3章 新設私立大学の供給構造((1) 戦後高等教育の拡大過程,第1部 高等教育大衆化のダイナミックス,学習社会におけるマス高等教育の構造と機能に関する研究)
- 大学行政の新展開と大学のあり方 : 大学の自治(自律性)は有効に機能しているか(総括,大学行政の新展開と大学のあり方-大学の自治(自律性)は有効に機能しているか-,II シンポジウム)