海外研修に参加した学生から見えてくるもの : 国際力(多様性)
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In this global society, the students at National College of Technology are required to have not onlytechnical skills but also English communication skills and kokusairyoku, in other words, the ability to understanddifferent cultures, such as customs, traditions, religions, and cultural values, from different points of views. In thispaper, the kokusairyoku of the younger students at National Colleges of Technology is examined. Theseparticipants are those who have participated in the Short Overseas Study Program inMalaysia in 2011 or 2012. Thesame questionnaire was conducted in both years. Moreover, the questionnaire was conducted twice: before andafter each program, and all of the participants answered these questionnaires. The results show that the students'kokusairyoku have been improved after the Short Overseas Study Program inMalaysia.
- 八戸工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2012-12-00
- 八戸工業高等専門学校における低学年英語教育の試み(平成20年度から平成21年度を中心に)
- 高専低学年生を対象としたアメリカ研修の成果 : 参加学生の視点から
- 海外研修に参加した学生から見えてくるもの : 国際力(多様性)
- 八戸高専における地域の人材・資源を活用した国際交流の試み
- 女性技術者育成のための女子キャリア教育(高専制度50周年特集シリーズ-高専の高度化へ向けての課題-)