幼児の規範意識の形成に対する保育者の 保育観に関する一考察 「ずる」(自己欲求優先的行動)に対する認識からの検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
Normative consciousness of young children can be observed on almost any occasion during everyday activities and play, especially in "game play" where there are clearly defined rules and activities, and outcomes are determined by interactions during the game. Young children sometimes exhibit unfair behavior or behavior deviating from the rules when they are in danger of experiencing a negative outcome in the game. Among children, when such behavior is pointed out by their peers, the word "cheating" is used in most situations. In the present research, a survey among preschool teachers employed in kindergartens and nursery schools was conducted to reveal if the behavior of young children judged by the authors to be "cheating" was also recognized as "cheating" by the preschool teachers. Further, the authors discuss whether the preschool teachers' judgment of what constituted "cheating" was associated with their consciousness of nurturing young children's normative consciousness. The research revealed that preschool teachers who were predisposed to be affirmative in order to nurture children's normative consciousness are more likely to judge behaviors the authors judged as cheating to be cheating.
- 2013-06-01
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