- 論文の詳細を見る
Pediatricians know "children are not small adult". Children are on stage of development, and their condition may deteriorate easily. Pediatrician need to enlighten family members for them to give informed consent. Children often visit pediatricians for preventive medical care and examinations, including vaccinations and health checkups. The bulk of pediatric care is emergency medicine. Pediatricians are themselves limited resource, and the improvement of emergency pediatric service system is required, too. Young doctors and residents provide medical care in university hospitals and children's hospitals, and there is the problem of education for maintenance of the quality. To ensure quality and security in pediatric care, we should 1) provide for comprehensive informed consent by the families, 2) construct a system of good preventive medicine and good HIS system for pediatrician, 3) educate young doctors to a higher standard of quality, 4) make efforts to decrease the number of "therapeutic orphan drugs". Pediatricians should understand these problems while providing medical care.
- 2013-01-15
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