スタジアムのサッカー観戦者における視的経験の空間という視座 : 徳島のプロサッカー試合による賑わい創出に向けて
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The space that provides the visual experience in a stadium for soccer spectatorsensures the capacity of excitement. This space is essential and a core concept in the"Nigiwai" design of public stadiums in local cities. Due to the limited market size ofsoccer fans in localities such as Tokushima, it is a problem for professional soccer clubsto expand their markets towards light-consumers. Thus, a "Nigiwai" design wouldbenefit in collecting light-consumers in local stadiums, such as Tokushima.This paper provides a spectator's "visual experience" model, through an examinationof previous literature on spectator sports. In this model, a spectator's "visualexperience" is created in a form of a tourist moving from personal space to a "spectatorsports" space in a stadium. A spectator's tourism model was built interpreting thepreview of a space theory and a consumption theory concerning spectator sports. Themodel has set up the following four spaces: 1) personal space; watching a soccer gameon the television, 2) viewing space; moving location toward a stadium, 3) looking space;location around a stadium, and 4) gazing space; location in a stadium. The consciousspectator experiences in reality, each space buildings their "visual experience".The spectator's "visual experience" acquires their literacy technique. This experienceis associated to the improvement of the quality of various services in a particularstadium. These services also produce the particular value of a stadium. The experiencevalue of spectator-sport viewing can be enhanced through the concept of acommunity-based "Nigiwai" design of a stadium.
- 2011-00-00
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- スタジアムのサッカー観戦者における視的経験の空間という視座 : 徳島のプロサッカー試合による賑わい創出に向けて