- 論文の詳細を見る
The leaders have supported the maintenance or development of sport groups in community. Therefore, leaders' behavior have discussed several points of view. In this paper, it was analyzed that the possibility and meanings of the transformation of leaders' behavior. The key word was 'group age' which was defined as the mean term of members' belonging to the groups. Panel survey was conducted in 1986 and 1989. 60 samples of leaders and 716 samples of members were collected by questionnaires. The main results were as follows: 1. Leaders' initiating innovation and goal attainment which were two dimentions within the five dimentions of leaders' behavior were influenced by group age. And, the others were not influenced by group age. The effectiveness of leaders' goal attainment were higher in low-aged-groups. While, leaders' initiating innovation influenced negatively in low-aged-groups. 2. Non-institutional structure which was behavioral environment perceived by members was operationally defined such dimentions as relationship orientation-task orientation and maintenance orientation-innovation orientation. On the first dimention, relationship orientation-task orientation, significant correlation did not find with group age. On another dimention, maintenance orientation-innovation orientation, it found that there were signi-ficantly positive correlation between group age and non-institutional structure. And, the higher group age became, the higher degree of maintenance orientation became. 3. Every dimentions of leaders' behavior did not transform so easy. Especially, consider-ation and goal attainment which were two dimentions of leaders' behavior were relatively difficult to transform. But, these two dimentions of behavior were relatively easy to trans-form in low-aged-groups. Leaders who perceived the need of change about consideration transformed their behavior positively rather than others. These results indicated that the framework of the theory of managerial behavior and the concepts of organizational psychology were useful to analyze the process of sport groups.
- 日本体育・スポーツ経営学会の論文
- 1990-10-15
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