- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper was to present a descriptive model of organizational behaviors in management of school physical education. An effective model provides the viewpoint of explanation about organizational behavior in management of physical education. Furthermore, it will be able to explain the organizational change relating to organizational behavior. At first, we tried to review 1) March & Olsen's (1976) garbage can model of the educational organizations, 2) Weick's (1976) model of the educational organizations as loosely coupled system, 3) Daft & Weick's (1984) model of organizations as interpretation systems and 4) Tao's (1990) study on the organizations of public administration. Their Organizational model suggested that the organizational constructive elements and activities which retained the ambiguity were loosely coupled. And, their relationships depended on the environmental interpretation peculiar to the organizations. Second, a descriptive model of organizational behaviors in management of school physical education was presented. The model was composed of two dimensions which affect the organizational behaviors. One dimension explained about occupation-community of knowledge (information). Another dimension explained about exclusion-retention of ambiguity. The combination of these two dimensions identified four typical organizational behaviors of "fixed behavior", "self-reflected behavior", "autonomous behavior" and "creative behavior". If several necessary conditions were not filled, each behavior varied to undesirable organizational behavior. In this paper, the patterns were indicated that one organizational behavior varied to another behavior. It meant the mechanism of organizational change. Third, several propositions were presented which were deduced from this descriptive model of organizational behaviors in management of school physical education.
- 日本体育・スポーツ経営学会の論文
- 1991-10-15
- 領域専門S4体育経営管理 学校体育経営の自律性と学校文化の創造
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- 027E10805 スポーツイベントボランティアの参加意識と評価
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