3-6-2 ロバスト設計を目指した温泉熱利用型小規模メタン発酵システムの開発(3-06 微生物,Session 3 バイオマス等)
- 論文の詳細を見る
To make the robust design of anaerobic digestion system under temperature fluctuation condition, it was investigated that methane production under the different temperature conditions. The temperatures were controlled to 35-65℃ with the fluctuating range, or 55℃. Volume of methane production from the fluctuating range condition was approximately a half of that from no range condition. When the microbial carriers were exchanged between with and no range conditions, then the cumulative methane production during 8 days was investigated under 35-65℃. The methane production from the carrier derived from with range condition were higher than that derived from no range condition.
- 2012-07-30
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- 3-6-2 ロバスト設計を目指した温泉熱利用型小規模メタン発酵システムの開発(3-06 微生物,Session 3 バイオマス等)
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