O-602 バイオマスと食品の放射線量に関する比較と評価(セッション6:震災復興)
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Since the accident of nuclear reactor at Fukushima, it becomes important problem to evaluate the influence of radioactive isotopes. Therefore, the comparison and evaluate of radioactivity concerning forest woody biomass and the food were performed. The problem of higher radioactive ash after combustion of woody biomass was examined and also the relation between radioactive cesium and potassium40 are investigated. Finally, the biomass of low radioactivity is discussed.
- 2012-12-25
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- 221 太陽追尾方式による熱電変換システムの実験的検討(熱工学/動力エネルギーシステム,一般講演)
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- Pb-308 バイオマスと温排水による熱電変換発電(3.導入・システム,ポスターセッション2)
- O-602 バイオマスと食品の放射線量に関する比較と評価(セッション6:震災復興)