市町村教育長に求められる資質(職務遂行能力) : 選考・養成のための視角から(II 研究報告)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of municipal school board superintendents and to investigate what factors are required for a superintendent to be effective. A nation-wide survey was conducted concerning the competency of 349 municipal school board superintendents and 218 answers were received. This study has two parts. First, the performance of the superintendents is reviewed to confirm postulates which are supposed to be evident truths. Next, the findings which are the base for examining superintendent competency, at both concrete and basic levels, are analyzed. In the first part the main focus is on the relationship between performance and career, and that between performance and the size of municipalities. After making conclusions about these relationships the postulates about superintendents performance and competency are examined. The findings of the process are as follows : 1) Superintendents in no small part have a part in financial and personnel management. 2) While the recognition level of responsibility of a superintendent's duties is always high with all size of municipalities and all career of superintendents, the recognition level of the intensity of duties increases according to the size of municipalities. 3) In addition to the importance of the frame work of "educator or administrator," the importance of experience as an executive should be admitted in both selecting and being a superintendent. 4) Diversification of recruiting sources should go with the specification of competency, which meats the need of the school board. The tendency to recruit younger superintendents has limitations because an educator's professional development happens at a later age. In the second part of the study the sub-skills for superintendents are examined. By conducting factor analysis of 31 sub-skills nine factors emerged, and by continuous second factor analyses of these nine factors two factors emerged. The result of the analyses indicates that top management skills are recognized as important requirements for a superintendent. To summarize this study admits that there is difference of performance among individual superintendents. It is presumed that part of this fact comes from different levels of individual competency. Also differences come from the uniqueness of each school board's conditions. This indicates there is a possibility of applying The Laws and Legislation Concerning Education to some extent to make them more competetive. Diversification of recruit sources does not necessarily produce the intended result. So competency needs to be specifed as part of each school board's conditions. To specify such competencies this study provides one criteria : top management skills are recognized to be necessary, and experience as an executive plays an important role for the superintendent's professional development.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1998-10-17
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- 市町村教育委員会の組織運営(その1)小規模自治体における自治体単位のカリキュラムを中心とした学区経営の事例
- 教育の紛争 学校行事で受け取った祝い金 : 市への寄附に当たらず、その支出は校長の裁量に委ねられているとされた事例[平成21.5.26決定]
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- 被災地の教育支援における教職員組合とNPO・NGOの連携
- 市町村教育長に求められる資質(職務遂行能力) : 選考・養成のための視角から(II 研究報告)
- 地方教育行政組織における組織運営 : 指導主事の機能と教育委員会事務局の組織条件(IV 投稿論文)