地方分権改革下における教職員人事権移譲の意義と課題 : 大阪府豊能地区における取組み事例の分析を通して(変貌する地方分権改革と教育行政,I 年報フォーラム)
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The ministry of education has recently announced a change of policy to transfer the administration of teacher assignments form the prefectural level to the local boards of education. The implementation of such a drastic change will surely bring many problems and opportunities. Using a case-study approach, the aims of this paper are to clarify the national plan, to analyze the issues involved, and to consider the significance and problems related to it. Based on the interim report of the district and an interview of various personnel concerned, the efforts to implement the transfer of powers is highly commendable but there are some issues that have yet to be resolved. The first problem is ensuring a fair distribution of excellent and capable teachers among the various local areas in a prefecture, even if there are no differences in a teacher's pay as this is based on national laws. Secondly, because many small towns face financial constraints, they are not able to afford the necessary expenses for exercising their new personnel administration authority. Thirdly, under the present system, each prefectural board of education has the power to transfer personnel within and between the areas under its jurisdiction. However, if the power is given over to each local city and town, problems will surely arise in the transfer of personnel over a wider area, such as at the prefectural level. The local boards of education and schools will surely resist their better teachers being transferred away. Fourthly, at present teachers' in-service training programs are at provided by prefectures and large cities that have been granted special rights under the central government ordinance. However, if the local education boards are given the authority to conduct in-service training programs, it will be difficult to ensure that the quality and number will be maintained. In conclusion, the prefectural board of education should provide the necessary manpower and funds to support any seriously disadvantaged local education boards which are not able to maintain educational standards in their area on their own, in order to correct the disparities arising.
- 2011-10-07
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