1980年代フランスにおける公民教育(Education civique)政策の展開 : 「再興」の政治的背景と論理に着目して(II 研究報告)
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The main purpose of this article is to clarify why Civic Education was restored on during the Educational Reforms of the 1980s in France. Citizenship education is an important research agenda today. In France, citizenship has been expected to be promoted by the study of Civic Education. Taking a general view of its historical transition, Civic Education in the postwar days came to be gradually avoided because the morality of the time was related to the bourgeois social systems of the prewar days. However, Civic Education was restored as an independent subject in 1985. In this sense, it is understood that there was thus a turning point in the French education in the 1980s. Moreover, following the period of low growth of the early 1970s, the French Republic was forced to transform itself away from traditional republicanism. As the immigration issue then revealed, the idea of universalism, that all people were equal citizens before the law, had already become difficult to apply given the social and political situation of France at that time. It became necessary in this context to ask how to develop citizens in schools while a major transformation was being socially urged upon the French Republic. Up until that point it was thought that developing citizens at schools was the foundation of the French Republic. With these points in mind, this article searches for clues as to how and why educational policy regarding citizenship has developed in France since the 1980s. To attain such a goal, this article focuses on the political context and logic surrounding the restoration of Civic Education. It mainly examines the following three points : (1) the political and economic structure which led to educational reforms in the mid-1980s, (2) the position of Civic Education in the educational reforms of the 1980s, and (3) the policy logic of political actors concerning the restoration of Civic Education. With the restoration of Civic Education in 1985, the following two factors can be seen as important. First, in the political club of the "modern Republic" over which Minister of Education at the time Chevenement presided, a key factor can be seen as the sharing of intentions of politicians and theorists, especially when it came to reform visions and the revival of Civic Education. Second is the fact that the content of Civic Education was based on an understanding of the "values of the Republic" (human rights and democracy), while at the same social science content permeated key provisions of the majority of the legal system. The political club of the "modern Republic" had an expectation for the development of citizens who would be able to undertake the "values of the Republic", and planned for a logic that promoted the restoration of Civic Education. In conclusion, it can be said that the restoration of Civic Education in the Chevenement Reform was an attempt to grope for "Modernization." In other words, this was in line with the problem with which France had to grapple in international society at the time, that of aiming to find a solution to human rights issues and racism, just as it aspired to "Modernization" and the establishment of a humanism that looked to the global view.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2009-10-16
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- 1980年代フランスにおける公民教育(Education civique)政策の展開 : 「再興」の政治的背景と論理に着目して(II 研究報告)
- フランスにおけるシティズンシップ教育政策研究動向(内外の教育政策研究動向2011,V 内外の教育政策・研究動向)