新制高等学校教科課程の成立過程に関する考察 : 文部省とGHQ/SCAPのCI&Eによる教科課程会議録を史料として
- 論文の詳細を見る
"Hatsu Gaku #156" was an official document presented in April 1947 by the Ministry of Education of Japan (Monbusho). This thesis determined the curriculum for the Japanese new upper secondary schools (Kotogakko). Until recently, it was not evident how "Hastu Gaku #156" was created by the Japanese Curriculum Revision Committee because historical materials were lost. Recently, former restricted documents of the GHQ/SCAP were unclassified and opened to public viewing at the Japanese National Diet Library. The purpose of this article is to consider the process of the creation of "Hatsu Gaku #156" by using these documents. In December 1946, discussion of the upper secondary school curriculum was started between CI&E (the Civil Information and Education section of GHQ/SCAP) and Monbusho. Monbusho decided that "Kotogakko" should consist of college preparatory courses. CI&E criticized Monbusho. CI&E thought that new upper secondary schools should have a broader focus. Through a serious of conferences in December of 1946, CI&E forced their ideas and opinions on the Monbusho. In February 1947, Monbusho and CI&E came to an agreement with regards to upper secondary school curriculum. "Hatsu Gaku #156" was completed in March 1947. "Hatsu Gaku #156" integrated comprehensive courses and a unit credit system, among other things. In April 1947, Monbusho officially declared "Hatsu Gaku #156" to determine the curriculum of Kotogakko.
- 全国数学教育学会の論文
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- 新制高等学校教科課程の成立過程に関する考察 : 文部省とGHQ/SCAPのCI&Eによる教科課程会議録を史料として