数学的問題解決における認知プロセスに関する研究 : 心像的表象のタイプと機能
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The purpose of this study is to make it clear the types of imagistic representation and the roles of Imagistic Representation System in mathematical problem solving process. Imagistic Representation System is a construct in "A Model for Competency in Mathematical and Scientific Problem-solving" which is presented by G. A. Goldin. In this paper, the following four objectives are discussed to fulfill the above purpose; i) to prescribe the types of imagistic representations borrowing Presmeg's types of visual imagery and Dorfler's types of image schemata; ii) based on the prescription at i), to make it clear roles/functions of Imagestic Representation System in problem solving process (translation process); iii) to observe and interpret a problem-solving situation using some types of imagisitic representations as a concrete example of utilization of the prescription i) and ii); iv) to give some feedbacks for the author's serial studies in consideration of above all discussions. In the discussion i), seven types of imagistic representations are prescribed; i.e. (I1)concrete/pictorial imagery, (I2)pattern imagery, (I3)symbolic imagery (and image of formulae), (I4)operational/kinaesthetic imagery, (I5)dynamic/moving imagery, (I6)relational imagery, and (I7)auditory/rhythmic imagery. In the discussion ii), the following three roles/functions are identified; i.e. (1) making sense of problem or grasping problem situation, (2) serving organization of information and analysis of solution, and (3) generalization/abstraction. In the discussion iii) and iv), it is suggested that the abstruction (or syntactic transformation) of imagistic representation and solver's making sense of problem or problem situation should be introduced to a problem-solving model to be intended by author.
- 全国数学教育学会の論文
- 1996-00-00
- A Study on Cognitive Process in Mathematical Problem Solving : Segmentation of Problem-Solving Process
- 数学的問題解決における認知プロセスに関する研究 : 表象の詳述化のための枠組みから生起する研究上の問題について(論文発表の部)
- C2 数学的問題解決における認知プロセスに関する研究 : あるアプローチの成功的な転換について(C.問題解決分科会)
- C15 数学的問題解決における認知過程に関する研究 : G.A.Goldinの「数学的問題解決のコンピテンス・モデル」における記述的側面の検討(C.問題解決分科会)
- D3 問題解決過程に関する認知論的研究 : 問題解決過程に関するモデルについての一考察(D 問題解決 分科会)
- 数学的問題解決における認知プロセスを記述する枠組みについて
- 数学的問題解決における認知プロセスに関する研究 : 心像的表象のタイプと機能