流動化概念と債権流動化(6) - 観念連合としての流動性観念-
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Is the liquidity the attribute belonged to the good itself or the concepts / ideas the economic agents form psychologically? This paper deals with this question and gives the answer that the liquidity is not the attribute of the good but the concepts / ideas we construct from the series of the trades and markets. During the discussion we refer the David Hume's work"A Treatise of Human Nature",especially we focus on Hume's discussion on the causality between the ideas where he describes the causality as the constant conjunction. We can observe the each trade or the series of trades but cannot understand the nature of the goods directly. So if we have the concept of the liquidity, it cannot be based on the traded goods itself. Here we know the possibility that we can use the empiricism in order to analysis the liquidity philosophically.
- 2010-09-00
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