- 論文の詳細を見る
Relationship between developmental changes in the style of making reflections and inferiority feelings in adolescence was investigated. Adolescents (n=535) were asked to complete a questionnaire consisting of 15 items inquiring about their reflection style, and 40 items inquiring about feelings of inferiority. Results of cluster analysis revealed four clusters: (1) Interesting to self type, (2) Avoiding reflections type, (3) Conflicting type, (4) Deeply reflecting type. More junior high school students belonged to the Interesting to self and avoiding reflections type, more high school students belonged to the Conflicting type, whereas more university students belonged to the Conflicting and Deeply reflecting types compared to other age-groups. Moreover, nearly all the students belonging to the Avoiding and Conflicting types had stronger inferiority feelings than those belonging to the other types.
- 2009-12-25
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