モンゴル遊牧民の食料摂取における乳・乳製品と肉・内臓の相互補完性 : ドンドゴビ県のモンゴル遊牧民世帯Tの事例を通じて
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The content and amount of the food intake of the husband in a Mongolian nomad household-referred to in the paper as Household T-were surveyed to make clear what constitutes the diet of Mongolian nomads: self-produced animal products, such as milk and/or milk products and meat and/or innards, as well as purchased foods such as cereals. A discussion was also made of how the current social environment affects their dietary habits. During the period of milking from the nomads' own livestock, the food intake was characterized by meat and/or innards, contributing to between one-third and one-half, while milk and/or milk products and wheat flour contributed to between one-tenth and one-fourth. On the other hand, during the non-milking period, meat and/or innards contributed to between one-fourth and two-fifths of the food intake, with wheat flour increasing its share to between one-third and one-half of the food intake, with milk and/or milk products decreasing their share to between almost nothing at all and one-tenth. Hence, through the case study in the milking and non-milking periods, Household T's strategy of food intake is to mainly consume meat and/or innards, and to alter its consumption of cereals and milk and/or milk products according to the situation, such as the amount of food stock and slaughtered livestock available. Although the amount of milk and/or milk products consumed tended to increase during the milking period, in contrast, during the non-milking period, the amount of milk and/or milk products consumed tended to decrease or be eliminated altogether, while that of cereals tended to increase. Also, Household T consumed around 2,000 kcal/day of meat and/or innards and milk and/or milk products entirely during the milking and non-milking periods. For the Mongolian nomad, meat and/or innards, on the one hand, and milk and/or milk products, on the other, basically form a mutually complementary relationship as foods. Those food intakes are the strategy of Mongolian nomads, who depend largely on livestock for their livelihood. However, more Mongolian nomads have now come to receive a pension. Since those who receive a pension tend to use up their entire stock of milk and/or milk products during the winter and spring, and then come to depend more on cereals purchased from the market, Mongolian nomads currently find themselves in a situation in which the pension scheme destroys the mutually complementary relationship between milk and/ or milk products and meat and/or innards.
- 2012-06-30
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