- 論文の詳細を見る
"Quantum Mechanics that was formulated around 1925 can explain experimental results extremely well. It's leadingfaction advocates "Copenhagen interpretation" which takes the position standing on positivism. The possibility, however, that thereare "hidden variables" in an underlying theory based on realism has been explored since the birth of quantum theory. Accompanied bythe development of experimental methods over the recent years, the possibility of the realism can now be discussed on the basis ofexperiments, not just theoretically. Here we review the approach of realism and examine the implications of The Free Will Theoremwhich was presented lately."
- 茨城工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2011-03-01
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- EPR論文と現在から見たその意義について(?)Bohrの反論に対する再評価
- EPR論文と現在から見たその意義について(I)
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- 量子力学における弱値と弱測定について(II)