- 論文の詳細を見る
I. Mission and Interchange The primitive church was oriented to preach and prevail in the world. Less twenty years after the death of Christ many churches existed in the cities of Asia Minor, Greece, and even in Rome. Apostle Paul greatly contributed to strengthen those churches, traveling the eastern Mediterranean world three times. He was the greatest travellor in the ancient world. Not only Paul but many apostles taraveled and many churches exchanged circulars. What was the purpose of these frequent human interchange ? I suppose it was the collective demand of the leaders of the church for unity of faith. II. The Second Century Paul came to Rome, it is a historical fact. But we can't confirm Peter's coming there. However, Christians travelled actively from the first century. The first famous one was Ignatius, the bishop of Antioch. He was arrested and sent to Rome as a criminal. During this journey he wrote many letters to five churches such as Rome, Ephesus, Smyrna and so on. His friends carried his letters and they were used as circulars. Ignatius wrote a letter to Polycalp of Smyrna also, who was invited by Anicetus of Rome and attended the meeting, which was the first synod as far as we know. The Christians of Lyon also had a close relation with those of Phrygia. After a severe persecution ended, the Chrsitians of Lyon sent a letter telling it(Eusebius, Hist. Ecc, v. 1-2). Justin was born in Palestine and lived in Rome. His disciple Tatian was an Assyrian and came to Rome. Valentinus, a Gnostic was Egyptian, then he worked in Rome. In a word, Christians and churches had frequent interchange beyond our imagination. And Churches began to unite and often had synods. The church of Rome began to claim its supremacy but often had to be registed. III. The Third Century; Alexandria, Carthage and Rome In the third century, Chrsitians multiplied considerably. The emperors like Septimius Severus, Decius, and Valerian ordered to persecute the churches. But those persecutions ended shortly, so churches tried to make synods after them. We examine three big churches and their bishops. Dionysios, the bishop of Alexandria, wrote many letters to almost all the churches in the empire, and those letters quoted in Eusebius' Hist. Ecc. He was an onthodox leader and was respected by many churchmen of other provinces. Cyprian, the bishop of Carthage, was popular bishop and good leader. He wrote much as a church father. He was a rigorist against the lapsi and insisted re-baptism for those who had baptized by the clergy who lapsed at the persecution. He called general synods again and again and fought against the enemies. Other bishop like Firmilian of Cappadocia suppoeted him by his letter. Cyprian had a close interchange with Roman bishops and psresbyters, such as Cornelius and Stephanus. They were generally torelant to the lapsi, so Cyprian criticized them, especially Stephanus often. But he was martyred when Valerian ordered the sacrifice to the clergy of the curches. IV. Unity and Catholic orthodoxy In the middle of the third century, Churches established the system of synod it seems. From all provinces of the empire, Arabia in the east to Spain, gathered sometimes for discussing the problem after persecution. We can't see the supremacy of Roman Papacy yet. Some strong and earnest and respected bishop's churches became leader-church, Dionysius' Alexandria, Cyprian's Carthage. The important fact was that all of them insisted and hoped unity of Christianity and fought with heretics (in future!). They were the catholic leaders.
- 2009-03-26
- アエネアスの冥府下り--古代ロ-マ人にとっての死後の世界 (死者の書) -- (ヨ-ロッパ)
- ローマ帝国のキリスト教--哲学者とキリスト教徒
- 南川高志著, 『海のかなたのローマ帝国-古代ローマとブリテン島-』, 岩波書店, 2003年5月, 224+19頁, 2,600円
- イタリア--古代ローマから現代のローマへ (世界の都--その生い立ちと今の課題)
- 書評 A.K.Bowman,P.Garnsey and Av.Cameron,eds.,The Cambridge an Ancient History,second edition,vol.12,The Crisis of Empire,A.D.193-337.Pp.18+965,Cambridge University Press 2005
- 古代地中海世界とキリスト教
- 読書案内 初期キリスト教史をローマ帝国史で読む (世界史の研究(213))
- 初期キリスト教の周縁部 (2007年度歴史学研究会大会報告 寄進の比較史--富の再配分と公共性の論理) -- (合同部会 生成される宗教的《境界》)
- キリスト教と歴史学 : 初期キリスト教史研究の立場から(第16回日本伝道協議会公開講演)
- 論点開示 迫害原因論再考 ([西洋史研究会]2005年度大会共通論題報告 ローマ帝政期のキリスト教--保坂高殿『ローマ帝政初期のユダヤ・キリスト教迫害』をめぐって)
- 「史学概論」の今(歴史の風)
- 書評 C. Edwards & G. Woolf, eds., Rome the Cosmopolis
- 書評 殉教とキリスト教史:研究者の原点--佐藤吉昭著『キリスト教における殉教研究』を読んで
- 初期キリスト教における「教会政治」(西洋史部会)(第一〇二回史学会大会報告)
- サン・パオロ・フオリ・レ・ムーラ聖堂 (特集 ローマ古寺巡礼) -- (四大聖堂と七巡礼聖堂)
- 書評 J. H. W. G. Liebeschuetz, The Decline and Fall of the Roman City. Pp. 479+8, Oxford University Press 2001
- 古代地中海都市の衰退とキリスト教
- 古代地中海都市の衰退とキリスト教
- 講演 ローマ世界におけるキリスト教受容--2世紀ガリアを中心に
- 書評 K. Hopkins, A World full of Gods. Pagans, Jews and Christians in the Roman Empire
- Rodney Stark, The Rise of Christianity : A Sociologist Reconsiders History, Pp.xiv+247, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1996.
- ヨーロッパ : 古代 : ローマ(一九九八年の歴史学界 : 回顧と展望)
- 書評 G. E. M. de Ste. Corix, Christian Persecution, Martyrdom, and Orthodoxy
- 初期キリスト教における教会間交流
- 祇園寺信彦著『共和政期ローマの国家と社会』
- ロ-マ史における階級概念の有効性
- 書評 南川高志 ローマ五賢帝--「輝ける世紀」の虚像と実像
- ロ-マ社会史から見た初期キリスト教
- 発題 初期キリスト教徒と性の問題 (〔キリスト教史学会〕第45回大会シンポジウム--キリスト教とセクシュアリティ-)
- ロ-マ皇帝とキリスト教徒
- 佐藤伊久男教授の業績と学風
- H・チャドウィック他編 橋口倫介監修/渡辺愛子訳『図説世界文化地理大百科 キリスト教史』 : 朝倉書店 一九九〇・五刊 B4変 二四一頁
- ヨーロッパ : 古代 : ローマ(一九八九年の歴史学界 : 回顧と展望)
- BROWN, PETER, The Body and Society. Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity., Pp.xx+504, Columbia University Press, New York, 1988.
- 帝政期ロ-マの民衆とエリ-ト
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