- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper considered the theme called the area design in the information-intensive society from three viewpoints called Glocalization, Sustainability and Area Brand. It is an indispensable concept, but, as for the critical mind of the author, as for Glocalization, Sustainability, and Area Brand. These concepts are already that you should leave the fact to bring width not a single thing if I consider an area brand. At first I could divide Glocalization into Techno-Glocalization, Civic-Glocalization which respected information and communication technology (IT) -led Glocalization and localization- and each country, each local history, culture, rule system and pointed out that I should elaborate a plan by a area design to a nucleus in a concept called Civic-Glocalization. In addition, about Sustainability, it is performed the issue of global environment that I divide it into "weak" Sustainability, which was conscious of "strong" Sustainability, and the mainly economical durability that a color means ecological Sustainability, densely. I confirmed that Sustainability, which we should choose was "strong" Sustainability, where a color meant issue of global environment, ecological Sustainability, densely. In addition, I confirmed that area brand theory -"Triangle theory"- in the meaning to brand area itself had been shown not a product brand in the form called the context design from a marketing researcher about the theory of the area brand formation. At the same time the episode that was the component of this triangle theory or the contents were not virtually called make and were talked by the thick term that I waited and made it, and it should be said with "the design" including the making of person more and confirmed what should be described.
- 2012-05-18
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