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The present paper deals with micromorphological properties of the Red soils in northwestern Kyushu, changes in soil structure of paddy soils and young polder soils by farm mechanization, and morphological, physical and micromorphological properties of some paddy soils under the different conditions of rice culture in the Chikugo, the Saga and the Isahaya areas of northern Kyushu. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The A_0 horizons in Red soils are characterized by a silicate moder form and by a predominance of large pores. There are three kinds of fecal pellets in the insects or mite-bitten cavities of plant remains or among partially decomposed plant fragments. One is relatively small (0.01-0.2 mm in size), pale yellow, yellowish brown or reddish brown and dense, egg-like in shape and interspersed with comminuted plant remains in the A_0 horizons of the soils. The second one present among partially-decomposed plant leaves in the A_0 horizon is small (0.05-0.8mm in size), yellowish brown, reddish brown and brown, and irregulary massive in shape and dominated by fine mineral grains. The last one is the fecal pellets and microaggregates (>4 mm and 4-1 mm in size) of earthworms among decomposed plant leaves in the A_0 horizons. The fecal pellets of earthworms in the A_0 horizon of the Setaka soil have higher pH value (about 6), and higher nitrogen contents (about 0.6) than those of the A horizon of the soil (pH value is 4.8 and total nitrogen is 0.1 per cent). CEC, contents of exchangeable bases (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium) and base saturation degree in the fecal pellets of eathworms are 47.8 me, 3.4 me, 1.9 me and 60 per cent, respectively. The occurrence of these fecal pellets indicates that litter-feeding soil faunas such as mites, springtails, macroarthropodes and earthworms play an important role in the mechanical comminution and the chemical decomposition of leaf litter at early stage of humification and in biological circulation of soil elements. 2. All the A horizons are characterized by a mull-type humus and porphyroskelic fabrics and are dominated by relatively large pores. The B horizons have a weakly-developed spongy and moderately- and strongly-developed porphyroskelic fabrics and are more compact than the A horizons. Plasmic fabrics of the B horizons are silasepic, skel-silasepic, insepic and mosepic. The B horizons of the Red soils examined contain abundant oriented clays than do the A horizons. Layered, moderately- and strongly-developed oriented clays were mainly found on pore walls. These oriented clays resemble the illuviation cutans. 3. As a result of the land preparation of the paddy soil by using bulldozer, the past plowed horizon (the buried IIA_<11>gG horizon) has become more compact than the upper and the lower horizons. The past plowed horizon (the buried IIA_<11>gG horizon) has a strongly-developed porphyroskelic fabric and a fluidal structure. Low permeability of paddy soil is due to the occurrence of the compacted IIA_<11>gG horizon formed by using bulldozer. 4. According to a classification system of rice soils devised by I. Kanno, paddy soils in the Chikugo, the Saga and the Isahaya areas of northern Kyushu have been classified as "Intermediate Gley-like Rice soils" and "Surface-water Gley-like Rice soils" at the level of genetic soil type, respectively. Those are subdivided into the following subtypes, that is, "Imperfectly-drained gley-like rice soils", "Drained gley-like rice sois" and "Well-drained gley-like rice soils". Micromorphological features of the soils are summarized as follows: (a) All the uppermost horizons have moderately-developed porphyroskelic and weakly-developed spongy fabrics and are dominated by relatively large pores, and nodules and mottles that are composed of iron and manganese. The plowsoles of the seven soils have moderately- and strongly-developed porphyroskelic fabrics and were more compact than the uppermost horizons. The Bg horizons have moderately- and strongly-developed porphyroskelic fabrics and small amounts of oriented clays on pore walls and are dominated by relatively large pores, and nodules and mottles on pore walls and in soil matrices. The occurrences of oriented clays and ring-like mottles on pore walls indicate that clay particles, iron and manganese have come down from the above. The G horizons have a moderately-developed porphyroskelic fabric and are characterized by very small amounts of pores, and mottles and by considerable amounts of spherical fine grains with dark brown color of biological origin. XRD patterns of these grains gave 1.63 KX line that disappeared after heated to 500℃, indicating that these grain are pyrites. (b) Spherical pyrites showing golden-yellow color under the reflected light were observed in fine sand separates of all the horizons and a young polder soil. There are four modes of occurrence of fine-grained pyrites, that is, (1) discrete spherical ones (20-40μ in size), (2) aggregates of spherical ones, (3) aggregates of very fine-grained ones with clear crystal planes (0.05-0.2mm in size), and (4) cluster of spherical ones (5-20μ in size) found in the inner part of the diatom skeletons. Sulphur and iron contents in these pyrites are about 45 and 38 per cent, respectively. (c) Mottles and nodules formed by mottle-forming process reflecting the water regime of paddy soils were observed in soil thin sections of all the horizons. Micro-forms of mottles in soil matrices are banded (dark red, red or yellowish red), diffuse (reddish yellow or yellowish brown), or diffuse with halo. The last one may be considered a weathering product of pyrites. Iron and manganese nodules in soil matrices are spotty fine-grained (yellowish-red or brownish yellow), rounded, or irregular (dark brown, or very dark gray brown). Ring-like mottles (dark brown or reddish yellow) were found on pore walls and around decayed roots.
- 日本ペドロジー学会の論文
- 1976-12-30
- 温州ミカン園土壌の理化学性に及ぼすミミズ類の影響(第1報) : ミミズ類生息数, ふん粒の微細形態および化学的性質(日本土壌肥料学会 昭和55年度大会プログラム)
- 24 温州ミカン園,茶園両土壌中のミミズ類生息数,排泄物の微細形態および化学的性質(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 7 宮崎県内における土壌環境基礎調査定点調査での土壌変化の実態(九州支部講演要旨(その1))
- 4 宮崎平野に分布する火山灰土壌の理化学的性質(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その1))
- 稲わら分解におけるミミズ類の有無による土壌呼吸量および2,3の化学性の差異
- 22 ミミズ類による稲わらの分解(予報)(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 3 宮崎県川南台地における飼料作物跡黒ボク畑土壌の理化学的性質(九州支部講演会要旨(その2))
- 38 早期水稲地帯の灰色低地土における深耕及び堆きゅう肥・土壌改良資材の施用効果(九州支部講演会要旨(その2))
- 南那珂地域の早期水稲地帯における水田土壌の理化学的性質--北郷町付近の例
- 南那珂地域の早期水稲地帯における水田土壌の理化学的性質--日南市付近の例
- 南那珂地域の早期水稲地帯における水田土壌の理化学的性質--串間市付近の例
- 都城地域のらっきょう栽培地帯における黒ボク土壌の理化学的性質
- 31 都城地域のらっきょう栽培地帯における黒ボク畑土壌の理化学性(九州支部講演会要旨(その2))
- 10 県中沿海地域の早期水稲地帯における水田土壌の理化学性 : 宮崎市付近の例(九州支部講演会要旨(その2))
- 23 土壌管理法の違いがカンショの生育・収量に及ぼす影響(九州支部講演会要旨(その2))
- 1 県南沿海地域の早期水稲地帯における水田土壌の理化学性(九州支部講演会要旨(その1))
- 10 集団転換地区における水田転換畑土壌の理化学性(九州支部講演会要旨(その2))
- 9 土壌管理法の違いが水稲および小麦の生育収量に及ぼす影響(九州支部講演会要旨(その2))
- 都城月野原台地における黒ボク水田転換畑の理化学性の変化
- 10.都城月野原台地における黒ボク水田転換畑の理化学性(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 川南唐瀬原台地における黒ボク水田転換畑の理化学性の変化
- 17 土壌管理法のちがいが転換畑におけるトウモロコシ栽培におよぼす影響(九州支部講演会講演要旨その2)
- 1 灰色低地土における転換畑の理化学性(九州支部講演会講演要旨その2)
- 7-29 川南唐瀬原台地の腐植質火山灰土における水田転換畑の理化学性(7.水田土壌の肥沃度)
- 26 根箱法によるひ素汚染水田土中における水稲のひ素害観察 : 第3報 水稲の生育および土壌中のFe^形態とAs量との関係(九州支部講演会講演要旨その2)
- 5 根箱法によるひ素汚染水田土中における水稲のひ素害観察 : (第2報)水稲根の観察とひ素量の時期的変化(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 4 ひ素汚染水田土中における水稲の生育と各種溶媒による土壌中As量の時期的変化(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 15 根箱法によるひ素汚染水田土中における水稻のひ毒害観察 : (第1報)水稻根の観察と2,3の化学性(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 14 ひ素汚染水田土におけるひ素と燐との相互関係(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 13 ひ素汚染水田土壌に対する各種客土材料の混入率とひ素溶出量との関係(予報)(九州支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 21. 各種浸出液によるひ素汚染土壌(各種改良資材処理後)中のAs溶出量(第37回九州農業研究発表会)
- 27 ひ素汚染水田土壌に対する各種客土材料の混入率およびひ素溶出量と水稲のひ素害との関係(九州支部講演会講演要旨その2)
- 22. ひ素汚染水田土壌中の粒径別ひ素含量(第37回九州農業研究発表会)
- レオポルド・バル著, 1973, 「土壌の微細形態学的解析法」, 174頁, 写真81葉, 自費出版(10ドル), 国立オランダ土壌調査研究所土壌調査報告, No.6
- 北西部九州における赤色土および水田土壌の微細形態に関する2,3の知見(20周年記念号)