β-Ensembles for Toric Orbifold Partition Function(Particles and Fields)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigate combinatorics of the instanton partition function for the generic four dimensional toric orbifolds. It is shown that the orbifold projection can be implemented by taking the inhomogeneous root of unity limit of the q-deformed partition function. The asymptotics of the combinatorial partition function yields the multi-matrix model for a generic β.
- 2012-02-25
Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo
木村 太郎
Kimura Taro
Department Of Basic Science University Of Tokyo
Kimura Taro
Department Of Basic Science University Of Tokyo:mathematical Physics Lab. Riken Nishina Center
Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo:Mathematical Physics Lab., RIKEN Nishina Center
木村 太郎
木村 太郎
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