- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to initiate the critical discourse of curriculum study in terms of "symbolic exchange". It has been discussed for many years that media is the subject for curriculum study. A number of papers have discussed that the media and its content should be thematized as a target of children's study rather than as a simply learning tool because the individuals have to face overwhelming information sources in modern era so that they are obsessed with uncertainty to attain the truth without their secure sound judgment. However, the stage of media world has much more advanced beyond what we can understand in terms of the concept of media literacy. The virtual reality has gradually become an indispensable element for constituting the assumed genuine reality. It has been believed that there always exits the common ground where we can return to whenever we fall in a skeptical situation and the uncertainty permeates our sense of being. It is assumed that the real was a home we ask the fundamental reason and evidence. It has bee.n believed that the home of reality including the society and natural environment is a fertile ground where we can cultivate the sound curriculum because its validity is always indubious. For those reasons, the real is always good and sustains our valid judgment while the virtual always hinders the development of our senses of validity. Therefore, one of the prominent pedagogues has advocated that the development of the sound ego identity ought to be preceded in order to form an immune system blocking the infecting vicious virtual reality. However it should be noted this real foundation itself has become an uncertain ground for the sound curriculum development. The "virtual reality" has permeated into this home ground and started constituting an essential part for our everyday lives. The reality of our life world would not exit without the virtual entity any more, which accompanies the media tools and contents. Thus the virtual is not the object for media literacy any more but it becomes an important constitutive element for the curriculum including a tacit as well as an intacit dimension of curriculum. In conclusion this paper has proposed that the virtual reality has to be reconsidered to be an essential apparatus and ingredient for developing a virtuality - proof curriculum even though it sounds very paradoxical.
- 2005-03-31
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