カリキュラム統合の再検討 : 相互関係的視点からの学習経験の統合をめざして
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Curriculum integration is one of the crucial problem of curriculum studies. Especially, 'Seikatuka' (Life Study), 'Sougou Gakusyu' (Integrative Study) and 'Kurosu Karikyuramu' (cross-disciplinary curriculum) are the typical trends and have appeared as an important educational theory to be made clearer in recent years. Subject-based curricula, which are now official ones in Japan, are divided into clear-cut categories for differentiation and specialization. They have the danger of fragmentation and lack of coordination that too specialistic teaching may lead to. Curriculum integration basically has been interested in the unity of knowledge, it aims to develop a unity of understanding in the mind of the individual pupil, all of whose experiences shall be internally related one another, and further more to form integrated stance toward ones life context. We can find the fundamental principles about this view in American Progressives, such as J. Dewey and L. T. Hopkins. They addressed the theoretical framework of 'curriculum integration' that was integration of educational experiences of the individual child and emphasized reconstruction, evolution and continuity of experiences through the interaction with environment - nature, people, society, etc. This paper discusses and examines these issues from 4 points of the view as follows: 1. Constructing the transactional relationship with the world and others around the self. 2. Creating educational context through inquiring the meaning of the self. 3. Constructing knowledge through transaction of the personal and the social knowledge. 4. Organizing and structuring their own study through interrelating 'resource units'.
- 日本カリキュラム学会の論文
- 1998-03-31
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