石井亮一と乙竹岩造における精神遅滞児教育カリキュラムの現代的性格 : 学習指導要領との関連を中心に
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The early education of the mentally retarded in our country began to sprout in the fields of social welfare and school education during the Meiji or Taisho era. Ryoichi Ishii was a leader of the former field and Iwazo Ototake was one of the latter. The aim of this study is to clarify the modern characteristics of two leaders' education for the handicapped children. The main results of this review are as follows: First, "physical and mental harmony" is considered of great importance in the two leaders' theory. And the same thing is shown by " Yogo-Kunren" in the present course of study. Second, "sense" (sensory experiences) is regarded as the matter of the highest priority in this education as well as the case of "Yogo-Kunren". Third, playing (gross motor) and working (fine motor) in "motor" field are emphasized. These are located in "the progress of the motor function" of "Yogo-Kunren". Fourth, "the progress of the speech ability" in "speech" is pointed out. This is in common with "the communication of the intention in the present curriculum. Fifthly, they are trying to consider the emotional security. This "emotion" is in the same idea with "mental adjustment" in course of study. However, creating a feeling of security by careful, positive planning was not clearly outlined.
- 日本カリキュラム学会の論文
- 1992-06-30
- 視覚障害I(視覚障害,日本特殊教育学会第28回大会研究発表報告)
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- 石井亮一と乙竹岩造における精神遅滞児教育カリキュラムの現代的性格 : 学習指導要領との関連を中心に