Elvis Presley SUN時代の楽曲及び歌唱分析III
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze twelve songs (the acetates from the CD "Sunrise") of ElvisPresley's SUN recordings and to compare them with the six characters of 10 singles (Fujisawa &Shimizu, 1997, 74-84) and fives characters of six master takes except ten singles (Fujisawa 8: Shimizu,1999. 167-176) to make clear the characters of rockabilly. Twelve acetates are <My Happiness>,<That's When Your Heartaches Begin>. <I'll Never Stand In Your Way>, <It Wouldn't Be The SameWithout You>, <Fool, Fool, Fool>, <Shake, Rattle & Roll>, <I'mleft, You're Right, She's Gone(Live)>. <That's All Right (Live)>. <Money Honey (Live)>. <Tweedlee Dee (Live)>. <1 Don'tCare If The Sun Don't Shine (Live)>, <Hearts Of Stone (Live)>.Through musicological analysis, I made clear that four songs recorded from 1953 to 1954 and eightsongs recorded in 1955 have different musical characters. Four songs (<My Happiness>. <That'sWhen Your Heartaches Begin>, <I'l] Never Stand In Your Way>. <It Wouldn't Be The Same WithoutYou>) featured only the acoustic guitar, and <Fool, Fool. Fool>. <Shake. Rattle & Roll> featuredthe acoustic guitar. the electric guitar. and the contrabass. <That's All Right (Live)>. <MoneyHoney (Live)>, <Tweedlee Dee (Live)>, <1 Don't Care lf The Sun Don't Shine (Live)>. <Hearts OfStone (Live)>) add the piano and the steel guitar. The musical characters of four songs are close tothe characters of five characters of six master takes. The musical characters of eight songs include thesix characters of ten singles.
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- Elvis Presley SUN時代の楽曲及び歌唱分析IV
- Elvis Presley SUN時代の楽曲及び歌唱分析III
- Elvis Presley SUN時代の楽曲及び歌唱分析II
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