サポートの互恵性と精神的健康に関する縦断的研究(2) : 中学生の友人関係初期に着目して
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This study focuses on the early stage of friendship development, and longitudinally examines the relationship between support reciprocity and mental health among junior high school students. The participants were 118 new students of junior high school (74 boys and 44 girls).A questionnaire package was administered at two weeks, four weeks, and three months after matriculation. At the first time of investigation, they were asked to choose a new friend they got acquainted upon matriculation, and to complete responses, and relationship intimacy each time. For students whose relationship with a friend remained at a superficial level at three months after entering school, support receiving and giving in a friendship decreased over time. At either time of study, support reciprocity did not correlate significantly with stress responses, confirming the previous research results.
- 2012-03-01
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- サポートの互恵性と精神的健康に関する縦断的研究(2) : 中学生の友人関係初期に着目して