- 論文の詳細を見る
In February 2011, we celebrated the 10th Japan-Korea Symposium on Cancer and Aging Research at the Tomizo Yoshida Memorial Auditorium of the Cancer Institute in Tokyo with a fruitful program. On this occasion, this paper reported on the historical development of the Symposia supported by scientists of both nations. In 1996, our three research groups: Prof. Sang Chul Park of the National Seoul University, College of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Prof. In Kyoung Lim of Ajou University, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; and our Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute held the first Joint Symposium at the Kang-nung National University. From the beginning we identified the two main aims of our Symposia: (1) to encourage young scientists to present their work without hesitation in English and discuss their results in a relaxed environment, and (2) to get to know one another during the meeting and excursions associated with the history of our nations. In the light of our successful academic collaborations, Prof. Park was asked to establish an editorial office in Korea and to work for the Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology in collaboration with Prof. Lim in Seoul. This journal started in 1903 is the oldest journal of cancer research, and is now well supported by scientists of Korea and Japan. This review article deals with numerous topics including highlights of our joint Symposia, the academic activity of the Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, the relationship between our two aims and the philosophy of Mr. Houshu Amenomori, the latter of which was introduced by President Noteu in 1999 in Tokyo, and the book of Dr. Gozo Sato reporting on the development of medical education before 1945 in Korea. In addition, the biochemical activity of Dr.Kaichiro Kuroda, who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Keijo Imperial University, in 1930 and worked at the Department of Medical Chemistry in collaboration with Prof. Hiroshi Nakamura,was discussed. The academic activity in Korea by Dr. Sato and Dr. Kuroda, who was later the second President of Tokushima Bunri University, demonstrated that the relationship between Korean and Japanese scientists began 100 years ago. We can proud that our scientific collaborations are still continuing today.
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- Professor Kaichiro Kuroda and Scientific Activity at The Department of Medical Chemistry of Keijo Imperial University in Korea (1930-1941)