耐熱性紅色イオウ光合成細菌Thermochromatium tepidum のシトクロムbc 1複合体の電気化学特性
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The ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (cytochrome bc1) complex is an integral membraneprotein complex and an essential segment of the electron transport chain in photosynthetic bacteria.This complex catalyzes electron transfer from ubiquinol to the high potential iron-sulfur protein in thethermophilic purple sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Thermochromatium (T.) tepidum. In this study, thecytochrome bc1 complex was isolated from T. tepidum and the redox potential of pigments (heme c, hemebH, heme bL) in this complex was determined by chemical titration that measured the absorbance changesfor potential. The cytochrome bc1 complex solution for chemical titration was prepared by adding somemediators, KCl, β-D-glucose, glucose oxidase, catalase. The potential of the solution was measured bypotentiostat. As a result of fitting the Nernst equation for the absorbance changes, the redox curve wasobtained and the redox potentials of heme c1 and heme b were 0.189 V, 0.000 V..
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- 耐熱性紅色イオウ光合成細菌Thermochromatium tepidum のシトクロムbc 1複合体の電気化学特性
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