センナ(Cassia angustifolia VAHL.)の栽培に関する研究(第1報) : 発芽,生育と開花結実について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Young plants of Cassia angustifolia raised in a greenhouse were transplanted into the field and were closely studied for their growth, flowering and podding for three years. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Only 17% on average of untreated seeds germinated, owing either to their hard seed coat or to a relatively low temperature in the green house. Therefore seed coat was slightly cut off with scissors. A high germination rate of more than 89% was then achieved. 2. The young plants in the field grew faster when the climate was warmer. In August, the plants were 50 to 55 cm in height and flowering at the top of the branches was seen for over a month. 3. Podding was greatly influenced by the temperature. In 1978, when it was very hot in July and August, many pods ripened. The number of pods per one plant varied from 26 to 646 (220 pods per plant on average). In 1980, when it was very cool in summer, podding was very few and none of them matured. 4. Not much leaflets were collected in September-October, because most leaflets had fallen owing to leaf spot and leaf ticks. The dried weight of the leaflets collected per plant varied widely from 7.3 to 66 g, and the average yield of leaflets varied also widely from year to year, ranging from 15 to 22 g per plant.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1985-06-20
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- センナ(Cassia angustifolia VAHL.)の栽培に関する研究(第1報) : 発芽,生育と開花結実について