Confessions of an Englishphile
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This is a revised essay of my lecture at a seminar that was held at Showa Boston Institutefor Language and Culture in June of 2011. I was invited by Professor Milton Coykendall to givehis students a talk on my experiences during my sabbatical at Brown University from April,2010 through July, 2011. Professor Coykendall's students were undergraduates from ShowaWomen's University, located in Tokyo, Japan. They had gone to Showa Boston Institute forLanguage and Culture to study English and had been at the institute for six months to a year.My lecture was supposed to focus on something that might interest the students. Therefore,I talked about some ways that I had used to learn English and about some of my and myfamily's experiences of living in the United States. I was given twenty minutes for my talk andafterwards there was time for a question-and-answer session.
- 2012-03-23
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