「酔態図」の表現 -パーリケーラー出土- 「バッカス祭の群れ」を中心に
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In this paper, we will take up the representations of Drunken figure in Mathura Art during Kushan Dynasty, focusing on that is to say "Bacchanallian Group" excavated from Palikhera, Mathura. Except Palikera example we have some examples of this type, which had been excavated from Mahoria and Naori and so on around Mathura dist.Several studies have been made on the representations of drunken figure, that is, "Bacchanalian Group". These previous sudies have proposed that these pieces had connection with cult of Bacchus(Dionysus). The fact is that this point had become the focus of discussions so far. Although we have many discussion about the subject of these works, Little attention has been given to the function of a pedestal supporting the bowl. In this paper, focusing on this function, form of Ashoka tree and the motif of a curtain on these works, we will propose that these works have some relations with ancient Indian festival:"maha," "samaja".
- 崇城大学の論文
- 2010-03-01
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