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This paper introduces the Nestorian Stone Pillar "discovered" in Luoyang, Henan Province, China in 2006, and also introduces the present state of research onthis object. Also included is a discussion of the pillar and its value in the history of cultural negotiation. Nestorianism entered China during the Tang Dynasty, whichcan be interpreted as a concrete example of cultural negotiation in East Asia.Information concerning the recent discovery of this new historical source needs to bemade available to the world of Cultural Negotiation Studies and incorporated asshared knowledge. This pillar has two inscriptions - Daqin jingjiao xuanyuan zhiben jing 大秦景教宣元至本経 and Jingchuangji 経幢記 - the second inscription being of great value inthe fi eld of cultural negotiation. It attests to the presence of a Nestorian Temple, Nestorianism being a branch of Christianity, at the beginning of the ninth century in Luoyang: the name of the temple was Daqinsi 大秦寺. It also attests to the presence of Sogdian who served as the priests at the Luoyang Daqinsi. It also suggests that there was group of Nestorian Sogdian living in Luoyang. It fi nally attests to the presence of a settlement of Sogdian outside of Luoyang during the Tang Dynasty.
- 2012-02-01
- 書評 森安孝夫著『シルクロードと唐帝国』
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- 彙報 第38回野尻湖クリルタイ
- 中国洛陽新出景教経幢の紹介と史料的価値
- 内陸アジア 一(2006年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)
- 補注