ソグド系突厥の東遷と河朔三鎮の動静 : 特に魏博を中心として
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This paper explains with the analysis of newly found stone record that the military power of Sogdian soldiers was one of the reasons why the Three Commands of Heshuo (Heshuo Sanzhen 河朔三鎮), which were established after the rebellion of An Lu-shan, remained semi-independent against Tang dynasty all the time. The Sogdian soldiers, who played big rolls in the Three Commands of Heshuo, are often said that they worked for An Lu-shan. However, the close analysis of their detail action reveals that they moved to Hebei from Ordos even after the rebellion of An-lushan was over. These Sogdian in Ordos were originally from Tuque(突厥) in the North Asia in the 7th century, and they had become semi-nomad-troopers. After the fall of Tuque, they were moved to Ordos and controlled by Tang dynasty. Still they were active in various districts because they were skilled troopers thus made great soldiers, and also they kept ties among Sogdian people by marriage relations and spatial connections. One of such cases was the military clique in the Three Commands of Heshuo. Among them, the Sogdian soldiers had power in the military clique called Weibo (魏博) and finally made a Sogdian Military Commissioner. However, their move to Hebei was disturbed by political reasons and unions with other ethnic groups. The military power of Hebei's Sogdian soldiers were comparatively decreased, thus the military power of the Three Commands of Heshuo declined as well. Then, they were used or merged by three powers of Shatuo (沙陀), Qidan(契丹), Zhu Quanzhong (朱全忠) toward the end of Tang dynasty and the period of Five Dynasties.
- 関西大学の論文
- 書評 森安孝夫著『シルクロードと唐帝国』
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- 彙報 第38回野尻湖クリルタイ
- 中国洛陽新出景教経幢の紹介と史料的価値
- 内陸アジア 一(2006年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)
- 補注