先輩後輩関係を指導単位とするゼミ制度の有効性に関する一考察 : B&S制度における協同的な学びに着目して
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The present study examined the effect of a seminar organized according to the pair system to contribute to the collaborativelearning between Senpai and Kouhai. The pair system in which the Senpai plays the part of a mentor of the Kouhai, is referred toas a Brother and Sister (B&S) system in the seminar. The research explored how to learn with each other collaboratively throughpeer support based on the B&S system. In this qualitative research of narrative data, 38 students were subject to analysis in thesemi-structured interviews. The results revealed these categories of collaborative learning: an intention to the learning as Senpai,a formation of the learning as Senpai and Kouhai, a strategy of the learning and a commitment in the learning. Additionallythese categories explained the effectiveness of the pair system underpinning the instruction unit of relationship between Senpaiand Kouhai from the notion of situated learning theory. Finally, the potential and the limitations of the pair system were alsodiscussed.
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