F131 細胞-リポソームの電気融合における電場解析(OS-6:バイオ・メディカルテクノロジーと関連した熱・物質移動現象(II))
- 論文の詳細を見る
Electrofusion is one of the feasible methods to introduce the membrane-impermeable drugs or cryo/lyoprotectants. Nevertheless, the fusion ratio is still limited because the method of cellular alignment and the designing of electric pulse condition to be applied are not established enough. In this study, the electric field after step pulse, which was applied to a pair of aligned Jurkat cell and Giant Unilamellar Vesicle (GUV), was calculated by Finite Element Method (FEM). The calculated membrane potential of the cell, GUV and contact membrane explain the initiation of membrane fusion, which might be useful for designing the applied pulse strength and length.
- 2010-10-29
白樫 了
Urlich Zimmermann
Uni. Wurzburg
Alexander Schulz
Uni. Wurzburg
Reuss Randolph
Uni. Wurzburg
Vladimir Sukhorukov
Uni. Wurzburg
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