3101 シミュレーションによる製品・機能ベースプロセスの性能評価(OS11-1 設計プロセスのモデリングとマネジメントI,OS11 設計プロセスのモデリングとマネジメント)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to achieve the efficient design process, various infrastructures and tools have been developed and provided with the advanced IT technology. Any of them, however, cannot effectively support managers making appropriate decisions for process design. In order to achieve the effective support, a method to quantitatively predict the designed process should be developed. Our simulation based approach (PMT: Process Management Too) can quantitatively analyze and predict the designed process performance with various performance measures, considering the process element and their characteristics, their behaviors and their influencing factors, and the structure formed by the elements and their static relationships. In this paper, PMT was applied to examine the process performance of the product based process and the functions based process regarding a forming dies design process as an example of actual application. In the examination, work processing capability and communication processing capability were focused. Through the examination of work processing capability, PMT analysis revealed the fragility of product based process and the tolerance of function based process to overload respectively. It also indicated how to allocate human resources to maximize the work processing capability. Furthermore, it precisely indicated where to allocate the specific types of labors in the function based process though the examination of communication processing capability.
- 2009-10-28
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- 323 Al合金/FRPスーパーハイブリッド材料の力学特性 : 引っ張り負荷に対する応力-ひずみ関係(複合材料II)
- A1/CFRPスーパーハイブリッド材料の残留応力制御
- 残留応力制御によるAl/CFRPハイブリッド材料の疲労特性改善
- Al/CFRPハイブリッド材料の残留応力制御
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- 212 残留応力制御によるAl/CFRPハイブリッド材料の疲労特性改善(PMC:環境と疲労)
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- 309 Al/CFRPハイブリッド複合材料の力学特性の温度依存性 : 曲げおよびせん断負荷の場合(複合材料II)
- 310 フレキシブルロール成形装置によるスパイラル形状の成形(塑性加工)
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- 313 つば付き単軸クリープ試験片内のひずみ分布(OS4-(2) 材料強度と構造設計,オーガナイズドセッション)
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- 3101 シミュレーションによる製品・機能ベースプロセスの性能評価(OS11-1 設計プロセスのモデリングとマネジメントI,OS11 設計プロセスのモデリングとマネジメント)