B07 二重らせん摩擦攪拌形バニシングによる表面改質 : バニシング工具先端形状が表面粗さ・硬さ・残留応力に及ぼす影響(OS3 工具・ツーリング(2))
- 論文の詳細を見る
A Frictional Stir Burnishing (FSB) is applied to the shaft materials of 0.45%C steel by using a multi-tasking machine in this paper. FSB is a process where the burnishing tool rotates at high revolution speed. Then the thin surface layer is rubbed and stirred with a temperature elevation and reduction. By FSB process on double helical path, both high hardness and compressive residual stress are achieved. However, when the FSB process using sphere tip shape tool is applied surface roughness becomes large (Ra20μm). Therefore, FSB process using flat tip shape tool is applied. As a result, both high hardness (600 HV) and compressive residual stress (-350 MPa) are achieved and surface roughness becomes small(Ra3μm).
- 2010-11-19
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