- 論文の詳細を見る
The object of this study was to investigate the toxicity of hot water extract from Pleurocybella porrigens which was recently suspected to cause acute encephalopathy including coma and spasm in some patients with nephrosis, in C57BL/6N and C57BL/6J mice. Oral administration of 5,000 mg/kg/day (once a day for 21 consecutive days) of P. porrigens extracted at 90℃ for 30 min showed no toxicity, while intraperitoneal injection with the extract at a dose of 1,000 mg/kg (single injection) caused anemia, shock and toxic death within 24 hr in both strains. This extract also dramatically increased serum aspartate aminotransferase and urea nitrogen, but it did not enhance serum creatinine level 24 hr after injection. On the other hand, P. porrigens extracted at 100'C for 30 min did not show any significant toxicity to mice in the same regimen. The extracts of P. porrigens decocted at 90℃ showed several isoforms ranging from 35 to 230 kD after partially denaturing SDS-PAGE, while P. porrigens extracted at 100℃ showed molecular weights of less than 20 kD. Taken together, intraperitoneal injected P. porrigens extracts caused shock and acute toxic death with severe hemolysis which might be due to some thermolabile high molecule constituent(s) in P. porrigens.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 2005-08-15
太田 富久
高野 文英
金沢大学薬学部 天然物化学研究室
山口 昌也
金沢大学薬学部 天然物化学研究室
敞田 聡子
金沢大学薬学部 天然物化学研究室
高野 文英
高野 文英
金沢大 大学院医薬保健学研究科
付子 棟
山口 昌也
敞田 聡子
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