S0507-1-3 自由分子気体からなる蒸気泡の動力学([S0507-1]気泡力学と界面現象(1))
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The dynamics of spherical symmetric oscillation of a vapor bubble is reconsidered on the basis of the kinetic theory of gases to investigate the existence and stability of nano-bubbles. The bubble radius is assumed to be sufficiently small compared with the mean free path of vapor molecules in a reference state, and thus the vapor is approximated by a free molecular gas. The nonequilibrium behavior of free molecular gas in an oscillating bubble is numerically evaluated, and the resulting velocity distribution function of vapor molecules are subsituted into the Rayleigh equation of bubble dynamics extendend to take acount of the nonequilibrium behaviors of vapor and the evaporation/condensation at the vapor-liquid interface.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2010-09-04
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