第二言語/外国語教育における言語学習動機づけ研究 : 動機づけ研究の新しい枠組みへ
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Until the 1990s, the theory of L2 learning motivation had much emphasis on integrative and instrumental aspects of language learning. Although this theory has received many positive reviews and now provides a solid base for constructing a broader theory, the 1990s brought a marked shift in thought on second/foreign language learning motivation. In particular, some alternative motivational concepts have been proposed, which permit us to account for other possible kinds of second/foreign language learning motivation. These relatively new perspectives may yield fresh insights for reorganizing our understanding of motivation. In the study reported here, a questionnaire was administrerd, based on motivational theories in second/foreign language contexts and other models from educational and cognitive psychology. Subjects were 112 Japanese EFL university students. The internal consistency reliability of the components was assessed by means of Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The data were then subjected to two different kinds of data analysis: factor analysis (principal component analysis) and multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that the subjects in this sample expressed strong agreement with statements that English is important and useful, that success in English class depends on their own efforts, and that they would like to try to continue studying English as long as possible. Based on the results of factor analysis, a motivational construct was postulated consisting of (1) strong determination, (2) anxiety, (3) instrumental motivation, (4) personal will, (5) locus of control, and (6) attitudes to foreign people and culture. The results also indicated that in mastering English, "Strong determination" played, to some extent, an important role, whereas other factors had relatively weak relationships to English proficiency. Some methodological and educational implications, and also suggestions for future research are provided.
- 社団法人大学英語教育学会の論文
- 2002-06-30
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- 第二言語/外国語教育における言語学習動機づけ研究 : 動機づけ研究の新しい枠組みへ