- 論文の詳細を見る
The occurrence of Mn deposits formed from hot-spring waters has been described together with the chemical and mineralogical compositions of the deposits. Most of the deposits so far studied contain as much as 1 % of Ba. The deposites from Kita- Karuizawa, Shimabara and Akan hot-springs are mineralogically 10 Å manganite, as evidenced by the presence of considerable amounts of Ca and Mn (II). The deposit from Yunokoya is also high in these elements, but they are associated with calcite. The manganoan material in the deposit is X-ray amorphous. The Co content of the deposits probably depends on the Co content of the basement rock through which the hot-spring waters discharge: The Mn deposits from andesitic rock area are high in Co compared to those from granitic rock area. Differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetry of the Mn deposits have also been presented.
- 日本地球化学会の論文
- 1990-09-29
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- 群馬県の荒船温泉の化学成分
- 水-岩石相互作用の生成物としてのアルカリ性鉱泉水
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- 伊香保温泉から析出したノントロナイト
- 群馬県荒船温泉産沈殿物
- 温泉水から析出したマンガン沈殿物
- 浅間高原温泉および伊香保温泉の引湯に伴なう温泉水ならびに沈殿物の変化