- 論文の詳細を見る
Partition of a microcomponent (C) between solid solution consisting of two macrocomponents (A) and (B), and aqueous solution has been formulated as, In D^C_<AB>=x_A In P^C_A + (1-x_A) In P^C_B+(x_A-α) In D^A_<AB>+g^E_<AB>/RT where D^C_<AB> represents the partition coefficient of microcomponent C of a solid solution, (A, B)N; P^C_A and P^C_B stand for the coefficients of C between AN (or BN) and aqueous solution, respectively, referred to the asymmetrical standard state system; D^A_<AB> is the coefficient of A between BN and solution, referred to the symmetrical standard state system; g^E_<AB> is the excess free energy of mixing for the solid solution, (A, B)N, which is here assumed to be a regular solid solution; x_A is the mole fraction of A in the solid solution; α is the parameter of substitution of any A in the solid for a C in aqueous solution in the following ion ex- change equilibrium, C_<aq>+αAN_<88> + (1-α)BN_<88>⇄αA_<aq>+(1-α)B_<aq>+CN_<88> where subscripts, aq and ss, refer to aqueous and solid solution phases, respectively. The value of can be obtained from a/(1-α)=(k_f^<AC>)/(k_f^<BC>) (x_A)/(1-x_A)=(k_b^<AC>)/(k_b^<BC>) (y_A)/(1-y_A) (0≤α≤1) where k_f^<AC> and k_f^<BC> represent the second order forward rate constants, and k_b^<AC> and k_b^<BC>, the corresponding backward rate constants of the following ion exchange equilibrium, [numerical formula] and y_A represents the mole fraction of A in solution. These formula were applied to ion exchange equilibrium systems with a cation exchange resion and aqueous phase.
- 日本地球化学会の論文
- 1980-03-30
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