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論説(Article)介護サービスについて、地域間に大きな格差があるといわれている。そこで、本稿では、すべての都道府県において、介護費用におよぼす要因を明らかにし、各地域において特徴や大きな違いがあるのかを示したい。結論として、介護保険における回帰分析から、多くの都道府県で、「老年人口」が介護費用の増加に大きくかかわっていることが示された。その他、「介護給付件数」と「高齢者世帯」、「老人ホーム」が、介護費用支出に影響を与えることが判明した。It is said that there are large regional differences with regard to nursing services. This paper outlines the main factors that affect nursing care expenditure across all prefectures and examines whether individual prefectures have their own distinct features that are different from the national trends. This study clarifies by using regression analysis results with respect to nursing care insurance that the elderly population is linked closely with the increase in the nursing care expenditures in many prefectures. In addition, this paper confirms that factors such as the number of nursing care benefits, “Aged households" and “Nursing homes" have far-reaching effects on nursing cost expenditure.
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