- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to develop the Health Locus of Control (HLC) Scales of female university students, and to examine the relationship between HLC and the student's life experiences / healthbehaviors. This report was analyzed HLC scores of 152 female university students. The results were as follows.1)Used factor analysis, 7 factors were picked up: "Family /Neighbor" "Chance", "Internal","Professional", "Un visual", "Religion", and "Environment". Female university students had high scores of internal oriented HLC compared to those of external HLC. This result was the same as upper grade elementary school children and junior high school students.2) The student experienced of one's own imminent illness was related to high scores of "Family / Neighbor" oriented HLC, and the one experienced of imminent illness and bereavement in one's family was significantly related to low scores of "Professional" oriented HLC.3) The student practiced health behaviors, i.e. made it a habit to do the exercise, to eat at regular intervals, to go to bed at the regular hour, was related to low scores of "Internal" oriented HLC,and the one made it a habit to do the exercise, to go to bed at the regular hour, was significantlyrelated to high scores of "Family / Neighbor" oriented HLC.The results were suggested that the family / neighbor infiuenced in one's life experience were related to powerful others oriented HLC, and "Family / Neighbor" oriented HLC were related to keeping health behaviors.一ユ
- 奈良女子大学の論文
- 2009-03-31
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