The First Higher School's Instruments for Science and Engineering Education(<Special Issue>Historical Studies on Scientific and Pedagogical Instruments)
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This article outlines the collection of educational materials for science and engineering education formerly possessed by the First Higher School, one of the prewar national higher secondary schools in Japan. The collection contains instruments that were supposedly costly for the Japanese Goverment in the 1890s, such as Rudolph Koenig's sound analyzer, an electric balance and a static voltmeter invented by William Thomson and made by James White, or a copy of Leon Foucault's rotating mirror. They represent high hopes that the government placed on higher school pupils, while the pupils' maps drawn as assignments of the practice of surveying, which was compulsory for all engineering majors between 1886 and 1919, describe how they tried to live up to their country's expectations. Furthermore, the surveying instruments in the collection that once belonged to the Imperial Army imply that the offer from the army was crucial in materializing surveying education in its beginnings.
- 2011-03-31
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