- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study was designed to investigate the heart rate responses during Kisarazu Kosen Taiso consisted of 13 units of different movement. Three trained students (18-20yrs) performed Kisarazu Kosen Taiso in each movement of one minute duration in two different ways, i.e. a "normal" exercise in their preferred manner and a "strenuously" one as powerful as possible. Heart rate were recorded continuously all through the experiment by using telemetering method, and digital print were recorded. The results oftained were as followed; The mean heart rate of each subject during the "normal" one ranged from 109 to 139 bpm, while during the "strenuously" one from 109 to 145 bpm, (mean % increment of three subjects; 4%) and during practice all through were 96-154 in "normal", 104-166 in "strenuously." During the upper extremities movements (order 7 and 8) the heart rate in all duration was considerably lower when compared with that recorded during the other kinds of exercises.
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